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Cara Membuat Kalkulator dengan Visual Basic 6.0 (VB6)

Tidak asing lagi dengan Program yang namanya Kalkulator, biasanya Program Kalkulator ini sudah tersedia di Microsoft, tapi bagi anda yang ingin tahu dan ingin mencoba membuat Program Kalkulator, Apa salahnya? jika kita membuat sendiri sebagai Pembelajaran dan Pelatihan.. baiklah, jika anda ingin membuatnya, Pertama-tama, buatlah sebuah form sesuai selera Anda, yang bentuknya kurang lebih seperti kalkulator standar Windows,contohnya seperti Screen Shoot di bawah ini:
Kalkulator Sederhana

Untuk properties dari masing-masing objek, saya contohkan seperti dibawah ini, dengan letak
masing-masing objek disesuaikan dengan gambar diatas atau mungkin letak objek tersebut selera anda.

Textbox 1:
(Name) : txtDisplay
Alignment: 1-Right Justify
Text : (kosongkan)
Maxlength : 12

Command Button 1:
(Name) : cmdAngka
Index : 1
Caption : 1

Command Button 2:
(Name) : cmdAngka
Index : 2
Caption : 2

Command Button 3:
(Name) : cmdAngka
Index : 3
Caption : 3

Command Button 4:
(Name) : cmdAngka
Index : 4
Caption : 4

Command Button 5:
(Name) : cmdAngka
Index : 5
Caption : 5

Command Button 6:
(Name) : cmdAngka
Index : 6
Caption : 6

Command Button 7:
(Name) : cmdAngka
Index : 7
Caption : 7

Command Button 8:
(Name) : cmdAngka
Index : 8
Caption : 8

Command Button 9:
(Name) : cmdAngka
Index : 9
Caption : 9

Command Button 10:
(Name) : cmdAngka
Index : 0
Caption : 0

Command Button 11:
(Name) : cmdPlusMinus
Caption : +/-

Command Button 12:
(Name) : cmdKoma
Caption : .

Command Button 13:
(Name) : cmdOperator
Index : 1
Caption : +

Command Button 14:
(Name) : cmdOperator
Index : 2
Caption : -

Command Button 15:
(Name) : cmdOperator
Index : 3
Caption : x

Command Button 16:
(Name) : cmdOperator
Index : 4
Caption : /

Command Button 17:
(Name) : cmdClearEntry
Caption : CE

Command Button 18:
(Name) : cmdClear
Caption : C

Command Button 19:
(Name) : cmdSamaDengan
Caption : =

Berikutnya, Anda tinggal membuat coding dari kalkulator tersebut. Jika Anda mengikuti semua
setting properties seperti diatas, maka codingnya saya contohkan seperti ini:

Option Explicit
Private Hasil As Double
Private Const opNol = 0
Private Const opTambah = 1
Private Const opKurang = 2
Private Const opKali = 3
Private Const opBagi = 4
Private Operator As Integer
Private NilaiBaru As Boolean

' to delete the last character
Private Sub Hapus()
Dim txt As String
Dim min_len As Integer
txt = txtDisplay.Text
If Left$(txt, 1) = "-" Then
min_len = 2
min_len = 1
End If
If Len(txt) > min_len Then
txtDisplay.Text = Left$(txt, Len(txt) - 1)
txtDisplay.Text = "0"
End If
End Sub

' delete the number, the last and the operator
Private Sub cmdClear_Click()
Hasil = 0
Operator = opNol
End Sub
' delete the number
Private Sub cmdClearEntry_Click()
txtDisplay.Text = ""
End Sub
' add a comma (decimal)
Private Sub cmdKoma_Click()
If InStr(txtDisplay.Text, ".") Then
If NilaiBaru Then
txtDisplay.Text = "."
NilaiBaru = False
txtDisplay.Text = txtDisplay.Text & "."
End If
End If
End Sub

' calculate
Private Sub cmdSamaDengan_Click()
Dim HasilBaru As Double
If txtDisplay.Text = "" Then
HasilBaru = 0
HasilBaru = CDbl(txtDisplay.Text)
End If
Select Case Operator
Case opNol
Hasil = HasilBaru
Case opTambah
Hasil = Hasil + HasilBaru
Case opKurang
Hasil = Hasil - HasilBaru
Case opKali
Hasil = Hasil * HasilBaru
Case opBagi
'Can not be divided by zero
If HasilBaru = 0 Then
MsgBox "Tidak bisa dibagi 0", vbOKOnly + vbCritical, "Kalku ERROR"
Call cmdClear_Click
Hasil = Hasil / HasilBaru
End If
End Select
Operator = opNol
NilaiBaru = True
txtDisplay.Text = Format$(Hasil)
End Sub

' write numbers
Private Sub cmdAngka_Click(Index As Integer)
If NilaiBaru Then
txtDisplay.Text = Format$(Index)
NilaiBaru = False
txtDisplay.Text = _
txtDisplay.Text & Format$(Index)
End If
End Sub
' the add / less / to / time
Private Sub cmdOperator_Click(Index As Integer)
Operator = Index
NilaiBaru = True
End Sub

' change sign +/-
Private Sub cmdPlusMinus_Click()
If NilaiBaru Then
txtDisplay.Text = "-"
ElseIf Left$(txtDisplay.Text, 1) = "-" Then
txtDisplay.Text = Right$(txtDisplay.Text, 2)
txtDisplay.Text = "-" & txtDisplay.Text
End If
End Sub

' filter for just the numbers who can be typed
Private Sub Form_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)
txtDisplay_KeyPress KeyAscii
End Sub
Private Sub Form_KeyUp(KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer)
txtDisplay_KeyUp KeyCode, Shift
End Sub
' so that the cursor remains on the right
Private Sub txtDisplay_Change()
txtDisplay.SelStart = Len(txtDisplay.Text)
End Sub
Private Sub txtDisplay_GotFocus()
End Sub

' to type numbers on the keyboard
Private Sub txtDisplay_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)
Dim ch As String
ch = Chr$(KeyAscii)
Select Case ch
Case "0"
cmdAngka_Click 0
Case "1"
cmdAngka_Click 1
Case "2"
cmdAngka_Click 2
Case "3"
cmdAngka_Click 3
Case "4"
cmdAngka_Click 4
Case "5"
cmdAngka_Click 5
Case "6"
cmdAngka_Click 6
Case "7"
cmdAngka_Click 7
Case "8"
cmdAngka_Click 8
Case "9"
cmdAngka_Click 9
Case "*", "x", "X"
cmdOperator_Click opKali
Case "+"
cmdOperator_Click opTambah
Case vbCrLf, vbCr, "="
Case "-"
cmdOperator_Click opKurang
Case "."
Case "/"
cmdOperator_Click opBagi
Case "C", "c"
End Select
KeyAscii = 0
End Sub

' for typing numbers on the Numpad
Private Sub txtDisplay_KeyUp(KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer)
Select Case KeyCode
Case vbKeyNumpad0
cmdAngka_Click 0
Case vbKeyNumpad1
cmdAngka_Click 1
Case vbKeyNumpad2
cmdAngka_Click 2
Case vbKeyNumpad3
cmdAngka_Click 3
Case vbKeyNumpad4
cmdAngka_Click 4
Case vbKeyNumpad5
cmdAngka_Click 5
Case vbKeyNumpad6
cmdAngka_Click 6
Case vbKeyNumpad7
cmdAngka_Click 7
Case vbKeyNumpad8
cmdAngka_Click 8
Case vbKeyNumpad9
cmdAngka_Click 9
Case vbKeyMultiply
cmdOperator_Click opKali
Case vbKeyAdd
cmdOperator_Click opTambah
Case vbKeySeparator
Case vbKeySubtract
cmdOperator_Click opKurang
Case vbKeyDivide
cmdOperator_Click opBagi
Case vbKeyDecimal
Case vbKeyBack, vbKeyDelete
End Select
KeyCode = 0
End Sub

bagi anda yang ingin contoh project-nya, silahkan download disini!
Note :  Contoh Project yang anda download, mungkin tidak persis sama dengan coding-coding ataupun letak posisi object yang sudah ditulis diatas.

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